The aim of the Henley Sports Academy is to assist student athletes in their sporting and academic pathways. Students have two 80-minute and one 50-minute lessons per week over the school year. The Football Academy caters for female students in Years 7, 8 and 9. The focus for each term includes:
Term 1
Theory focus: Fitness analysis and technique analysis
Practical focus: Fundamental skills and skill progression, game sense and structure, individual and group strength and conditioning programs
Term 2
Theory focus: Sport psychology and umpiring accreditation
Practical focus: Competitive preparation, game sense and structure, conditioning (strength focus) and Victor Harbor Exchange
Term 3
Theory focus: Coaching, match analysis and individual performance analysis
Practical focus: Competition preparation
Term 4
Theory focus: Performance presentation and match analysis
Practical focus: Specific individual development preparation, conditioning and fundamental skills and skill progression

Academy coaches and staff

Assistant Coach: Sam Venning
Level 2 AFL Coach
AFL School Ambassador
Current SANFL player
Former Adelaide Crows Development Squad
Pushing Performance Coaches: Matt and Jordan
Training venues
Henley High School Oval
Henley Football Club
Henley High School High Performance Sports Centre
Academy Award Winners
Top of Subject: Layla R
Striving for Excellence: Georgie F
Emerging Talent: Bonnie G
Top of Subject: Georgie F
Outstanding Dedication and Commitment: Layla R
Emerging Talent: Lara M