The Henley Sports Academy is based upon a season focus with its training schedule supporting a whole-year development model.
The training schedule includes:
- Specific skill and technique development
- Team and strategy development
- Game play throughout the year with involvement in various competitions, carnivals and exchanges
- Individual and group strength and conditioning programs
- Rehabilitation and recovery support
- Video analysis
- Fitness analysis
- Coaching and officiating accreditations
- Nutrition, sport psychology and injury prevention.
Our program provides both elite and talented student athletes with an opportunity to further develop their skills with the aim of competing at the highest level. This is balanced with high-quality education to support their sporting and educational needs.

Subject selection
Selection | Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 SACE Stage 1 | Year 11 SACE Stage 2 |
Students complete 2 semesters of each (compulsory) | Sports Academy English Mathematics Science Humanities | Sports Academy English Mathematics Science Humanities Japanese | Sports Academy English Mathematics Science | Sports Academy English Mathematics Science | Sports Academy English | Nil |
Students complete 1 semester of each (compulsory) | Digital Technologies Performing Arts Technologies Visual Art | Home Economics | History Food and Health | Fit for Life History EIF (Exploring Identities and Futures) | Mathematics Research Project | Nil |
Students choose (choice): 1 semester in Year 8 4 in Year 9 4 in Year 10 6 in Year 11 8 in Year 12 | Nil | Dance Design and Technologies Drama Media Arts Music Visual Art | Design and Technologies Flexible Learning Humanities Home Economics Languages Physical Education The Arts Vocational Education and Training (Flexible Industry Pathways) | Design and Technologies Flexible Learning Home Economics and Health Humanities Languages Mathematics Physical Education Science The Arts Vocational Education and Training (Flexible Industry Pathways) | Design and Technologies Flexible Learning Home Economics and Health Humanities Languages Mathematics Physical Education Science The Arts Vocational Education and Training (Flexible Industry Pathways) | Design and Technologies Flexible Learning Humanities Languages Mathematics Physical Education Science Sports Academy The Arts Vocational Education and Training (Flexible Industry Pathways) |
The curriculum in which the program is based provides students with a strong Sports Science focus and draws upon the disciplines of physical education and science.
In establishing the link to these disciplines the program provides a strong pathway to gain a university entrance score leading to sports-based careers such as physiotherapy, human movement, health sciences, event management, sport psychology, education and nutrition.
As students move through the Year 7 to 12 curriculum of the Henley Sports Academy they focus on building upon the skills they have developed in previous years. They are provided with a range of opportunities in and outside of school to develop their leadership and communication skills in supporting their transition into active community members.

Areas of study
In Year 7 to 12, students enrolled in the program undertake varying areas of study in supporting their ambitions as athletes.
These areas focus on developing the whole athlete and include:
- Technique analysis and development
- Fitness analysis and development
- Performance analysis
- Coaching and officiating programs
- Skill performance development
- Primary school coaching
- Event management.
To support these areas of study students learn about the following areas:
- Skill learning and development
- Sport psychology
- Biomechanics
- Fitness and conditioning
- Sports nutrition
- Exercise physiology
- Injury prevention and management.
Year 12 program
Our Year 12 program provides two options for students. The first is for athletes who wish to pursue a university entrance score and the second is for athletes who wish to pursue a pathway direct into the workforce.
University entrance program
Students have the opportunity to further understand and analyse the human body, its movements and functions within sport. Topics covered in this course include:
- Skill and performance development
- Sport injury prevention techniques
- Exercise physiology
- Skill acquisition
- Sports nutrition and diet evaluation
- Sports psychology
- Biomechanics.
Non-university entrance program (NON TAS)
Students complete Community Studies A and develop an individual program of learning around their knowledge and skills within their particular sport. The program of learning could include:
- Skill and performance development
- Coaching and officiating
- Sports nutrition and diet evaluation.