Athlete support
Henley Sports Academy has established a culture where talented student athletes will be able to balance their sporting commitments with their studies. All students need some form of support throughout their schooling to be successful and in recognition of this we provide a contact for student, parents and coaches. The Athlete Support Manager is responsible in overseeing this support service.
The Athlete support Manger is responsible for the following support services:
- Advocacy for the student athletes within the school environment
- Ensuring students within the Henley Sports Academy are meeting the expectations of the Program
- Advice and guidance to student athletes on academic planning (course counselling) and pathways (post school, including US College)
- Support in negotiating necessary flexibility through an Independent Athlete Plan (IAP) to meet academic requirements for those students who have large training and competition commitments.
- Promotion and celebration of individual athletic achievement through social media, website, promotional boards and Henley Sports Academy and School Sport Presentation
- Promotion of outstanding academic achievement of students within the Henley Sports Academy through the Sports Academy and School Sport Presentation.

Flexible study options
The Athlete Support Manager can help create a flexible teaching environment for students who have extensive sport and training commitments. The Athlete Support Manager can liaise with parents, coaches, teachers and the Director of Studies to create an Independent Athlete Plan (IAP). This will allow a student to meet the Australian Curriculum or SACE requirements while still supporting their sporting commitments. Also for those students who have travel commitments, the Athlete Support Manager can assist in negotiating assessment deadlines.
If you are a student who has excessive training and competition commitments and feel you can benefit from this please contact the Athlete Support Manager, Mr Jarrod Gillings on 08 8355 7000 or [email protected].