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All students, regardless of their age, are expected to attend school every day, except where sickness or other unavoidable circumstances arise.

Parents/caregivers are asked to please email Student Services at [email protected] or call on 8355 7014 or 8355 7015 to report any absences.

Sign in

If a student arrives late, parents are expected to notify the school and the student is to sign in when arriving.

Sign out

If signing out early, parents are expected to notify the school with time of departure and students are to report to Student Services to sign out.

Unexplained absences

It is important that students follow the school’s expectations regarding sign in/out procedures. For any unexplained absences, parents will be notified via sms by 12.30pm. Please resolve any unexplained absences.

Extended absence

For absences of five or more days, an exemption form is required and should be requested from Student Services at least two weeks prior, where possible.

Unwell at school

During lessons

Any student feeling unwell during a lesson should notify their subject teacher to obtain permission to go to the Student Services Sick Room. The teacher will provide a movement token or contact Student Services to advise the student is unwell. Parents/carergivers will be contacted via Student Services. Students should not contact parents/carers directly with their mobile phones.

During breaks

Year 7, 8 and 9 students feeling unwell during break times are to report to their House Leader who will contact parents/carergivers and arrange for the student to be collected from school.

Senior students are to report to Student Services who will contact parents/carergivers and make arrangements for the student to leave school. If the bell has gone at end of break, students need to report to class first, obtain a movement token and then report to Students Services.

Leaving school grounds for lunch

At no stage are students permitted to sign out of school to leave and get lunch and then return to school.