Year 12 Parent Information Evening 

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Year 12 Parent Information Evening

Start: February 29, 2024, 6:00 pm
End: February 29, 2024, 7:45 pm
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Parents and caregivers of Year 12 students are invited to an information session to cover their final and perhaps most important year of schooling. We are looking forward to supporting your child in their personal endeavours for success as well as working in collaboration with you throughout the year.

To assist in the flow of information between parents, teachers and the school, this information evening will be a valuable opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers and the senior school leadership team, and to develop a strong partnership in supporting your child through their final year of high school.

The format will consist of a short information session from 6.00pm with general information about Year 12 and SACE, followed by an opportunity to meet your student’s Year 12 teachers between 6.30pm tp 7.45pm.

Subject sessions

Please view the subject sessions via the link below to see the time and location for each subject session. We ask you to confirm with your child what subjects they are studying in order to book into specific subject sessions via the form below. Please note, there are some subjects (eg English, Maths Methods) that have more than one class taught by different teachers. Please check with your child which teacher takes their class to make sure you book into the correct session.

Please meet at the Henley High School Hall upon arrival.

Registrations are essential. Please complete the form below.