Henley High School has a strong focus on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy that will enable students to be successful global citizens in the 21st century.
ICT is a significant feature in the school’s strategic plan and the school has invested heavily to support this vision.
To support this vision, Henley High School has a 1:1 Laptop Program in place where each student has their own laptop. This initiative utilises a shared-cost model between the school and the parent, where parents make a contribution to the cost in exchange for 24/7 access, IT support, software and licensing, extended warranty and more.
The goal is to ensure that all students have access to unlimited opportunities to learn anytime, anywhere and that they have the tools that make this possible.

Key documents
Find out more about Henley High School’s Laptop Program by reading our Laptop Handbook or download a Laptop Program Contract and Agreement to Pay.